Cairns GP Superclinic
Bulk Billing Practice
Monday to Friday - 7am to 9pm
Saturday and Sunday - 8am to 6pm
The practice is open every day of the year
Walk-in Service
By arrangement on the day
Please phone ahead as we can reach capacity
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Women's Health
Doctors at Cairns GP Superclinic are interested in all aspects of women's health -- from developmental anomalies, development from a teen, family planning, pregnancy advice and support, problems that are particular to women, the prevention and treatment of HPV, other STIs, Cervical Cancer, Breast Cancer, Menopause, Osteoporosis and more.
For almost every single problem, there is a logical plan of attack for us to discuss.
We can organise a;
- Timely STI check
- Family planning or contraception consultation
- Insert or remove an Implanon or Mirena
- Urine or formal (blood) pregnancy test
- Antenatal Care
- Foetal Ultrasounds
- Genetic Screening
- Lactation Consultations
- Assess symptoms that are significant to you
- Well Women's check
- Help minimise the symptoms of menopause
- Assess and help minimise your chances of getting osteoporosis
No matter the age, the welfare of women represents roughly half of what we do.
If there is a specific service you are looking for, the odds are we provide it.